Users are used to having fantastic customer experiences all over the web at this point, so your local business’s marketing especially targeted email marketing campaigns should be unique and 100% perfect. Targeted email marketing is a great way to create relevant emails, keeping your audience on the sales path, and ultimately providing outstanding customer service when dealing with your brand.
If you want to run a successful targeted email marketing campaign, it’s often best to have the email sound like it’s coming in like advice from a good friend and not messaging from a brand. Having email marketing campaigns designed by digital marketing professionals is best if you want real, measurable results and not just clicks.
So What is Targeted Email Marketing?
Email marketing targets your specific audience with personalized emails created by analyzing your audience’s data, including characteristics, behavior, location, age, gender, etc.
GetFound can segment your users into smaller niches to develop the most personalized messaging for your customers. The more specific audiences we can segment based on your customers, the more personalized the message we can create to increase conversions.
If you’re still unsure about the power of personalized and targeted email marketing campaigns, then consider that proper email marketing acquires about 40 times more customers than your average Facebook and Twitter campaign combined.
Segmenting Your User Base
The way to fully unleash this 40x power? Segment your audience and match the personality of your audience and meet their needs.
Targeted email marketing is pretty simple really, just think about it. Would you want to open a message that’s not relevant to you? Of course not, and neither does your audience.
Personalizing your emails means improving your engagement and relationship with your audience. A captivated audience is more likely to lead to conversions, higher click through rates and open rates, and ultimately sales rates.
Plus, if you want to increase your customer retention rate, then developing a relevant email message is critical to stopping users from becoming inactive over time.
But most critically, it’s about having an improved ROI to drive your businesses bottom line.
So that’s how segmenting your audience can improve your targeted email marketing, now let’s take a look at how GetFound will develop your email marketing campaign.
Creating a Targeted Email Marketing Campaign
Assuming you already have a sizable list of customers for emailing, segmenting your subscribers can be a rigorous task.
Defining the Data
Consider how to best segment your audience based on the services you provide. It could be best to start with demographics, location, age, gender, or any other valuable personalized data you can think up.
You can even segment audiences into people who did not open the last message, so you know who to place into a separate list. You can also sort people who purchase regularly, people who haven’t purchased, and others who have made at least one purchase. Think of all the possible ways you can create specialized messaging for these different audiences, and the possibilities are almost infinite.
People who have added to cart but then abandoned, people who have visited the website but never made a purchase, there’s always several untapped audiences for GetFound Marketing’s team to identify.
General audiences like we mentioned above should make up the majority of your targeting emailing. If your products target a specific niche like summer apparel, then obviously targeting people with interest in outdoor summer activities might be an excellent particular niche to start focusing on.
So to summarize targeting by location, gender, purchase behavior are some of the areas you should start to consider targeting. GetFound will start here and create customized and personalized messages to engage your users.
Primarily segmentation is based around showing the most relevant products to the most relevant customer. Doing so gives your products the best probability of sales.
Visualizing Your Customer
Think about the marketing profile you need to access to build your ideal customer:
- Careers (especially if you’re selling clothing or other things for work)
- Interests, hobbies, likes dislikes
- Location, age, gender, revenue, family, etc
- Problems you solve (so you can provide what they want)
Creating a perfect representation of your ideal customer based on the above data helps you think about how to fulfill their needs better.
Most businesses will have more than one target audience for email marketing. Think of these separate audience representations as entirely different customers who require various forms of persuasion to fit their identity.
The final step of visualizing your separate customer audiences is to build a roadmap. That way, no matter what stage of the customer journey they’re on, your messaging will match. Each email will take on the right form and end up converting better if you’re keenly aware of who you’re targeting.
Create Content For Customer Audiences
Since you’ve got your customer personas down, it’s time to draft the right emails for your customer types.
Pretend like each of these persons is sitting in the room with you, and start to draft email copy and headlines you’d say to them.
- What would you want to say to that person?
- What can your services offer them?
- What do they need from you?
- What type of offer are they looking for?
- How exactly can you help?
The concept of crafting specialized content for specific audiences is not only for email efforts, but it can also be applied to social media campaigns and PPC ads.
GetFound Targeted Email Marketing Services
GetFound can implement, measure, and test targeted email marketing campaigns to continue to grow your sales and conversions. That’s because we understand that when it comes to targeted email marketing campaigns, like with a lot of digital marketing aspects, your work is never really done.
Your customers and the marketplace never stay the same for long, so knowing when your messages can start to sound stale is critical, so you know when to switch things up.
GetFound reacts to the data from your email marketing campaigns in real-time. Have customers that have stopped reacting to a specific message type? We can implement A/B split testing to craft a more responsive message to drive interactions again.A/B testing can include changing promotional tactics, editing headlines, editing messaging, and anything is on the table when it comes to improving a campaign.
Having the customer at the absolute center of your targeted email marketing strategy is critical to your niche. Putting customers in the middle of your plan, and tailoring your campaigns to your different customer audiences is what GetFound brings to your targeted email marketing strategy.