Is Wix Good For SEO, Ecommerce or Websites in General?
More often than not, you probably asked around on “how did you get your website” to a friend or colleague.
Sometimes you need a “simple solution”, however anyone that has been in a successful business knows that “simple solutions” are not so simple and they usually cost time, money and lost expenditures on inherent problems that were still present in the “easy cheap solution” that when it’s time to get serious, and get results, that these “simple solutions” never delivered an end result that works in your favor for the long haul.
It is no different when it comes to putting your business or professional website online.
If you want to do the “cheap and simple” route, you usually will get cheap and worthless results.
And in our multi-part series comparing free website templates and hosts, we will talk about whether or not free site services like Wix is good for SEO, ecommerce or business websites in general.
So you heard Wix may be a good place to build your business website.
Well, the blandant truth is that it is not good for any of the above.
And here are some reasons why:
1 – The free service is branded heavily by Wix. And for those trying to promote a service or product, it is fairly unprofessional to have a bunch of large banners, text and floating icons all over your website that you “create for free”. (Remember, nothing in life is free!)
2 – Free Wix websites are not good in general for SEO or any type of business, because you are basically getting a “free subdomain” off a website with hundreds and thousands of sub domains that do not pass and rank juice at all to your “in the middle of nowhere” sub domain site. In fact, I’ve seen not only the site sit on a subdomain, but also the entire site sit in a subfolder off the subdomain of the site. (Good luck trying to get SEO rank for that!)
3 – The free domain is truly not suitable for branding, nor does it command any branding respect. And again, building your online profile and doing search optimization services for someone else that owns the website is like doing landscaping for someone’s real world property and bringing up the value of their home instead of yours!
4 – The coding and programming structure is not truly SEO friendly. Even if you have your own domain “tied to a Wix website” the overall SEO structure is not up to spec in the current search marketing space. This is something we see often, is when all the pretty pictures look nice on the free of cheap website templates, but it doesn’t follow major search engine rules for Google, Bing, Yahoo or anyone for that matter in regards to platform.
5 – If something happens to Wix, you can say goodbye to your website, and any little amount of traffic or content you may have on it!
Again, when using a shared website hosting service like Wix, you are basically bound by their terms or service, and subject to however they conduct business on the web.
Very often website and internet companies just decide to “drop the project” (very common amongst free website hosts), which would mean that you are officially handed the eviction notice, with no recourse or way to properly handle the move.
Can you guess what that can do for your potential growing business online?
And let’s consider the fact of SEO, business perception and even useability (because many times websites like Wix do not allow modification of core website code).
So if the results are not clear yet, let me spell it out for you:
Q: Is Wix good for SEO?
A: No
Q: Is Wix Good for Ecommerce?
A: An even stronger resounding.., No!
Q: Is wix good for business?
A: Not if you want your business to grow online.
Q: Is Wix good for any old website?
A: Sure, if you want to build your grandma a “happy birthday website” and even then I wouldn’t recommend it.
So there you have it. Is building your website on a solution like Wix really good at all? Well, for those that are on a budget, and can’t afford the price of lunch for a day to get taken seriously online, maybe. But in today’s internet there are just so many other economical options, that investing in your business online should be an important factor if you want to see results.
Therefore no matter whether it’s for SEO, a new ecommerce website solution or a service business site, do yourself a favor and get a real URL/domain name and get yourself some good hosting for yourself, so that the hard work you put into your website, pays off for you for the long term.
in SEO