Is it Worth Doing SEO? A Guide To Whether It’s Good For Your Website.
Just like a New Year’s resolution, we always have the best of intentions for the New Year! With promises of more opportunity, more leads, and potentially more sales and clients for your business or service.
But the question we are going to answer here ” is it worth doing SEO”? A rather general question, to a broad spectrum of dynamics that encompass what “SEO is”. Whether you do it or not to “enhance rankings”, or “get more visits to your website” you really need to know what an SEO service is, and how it can really benefit your message online.
Now as much as I want to encourage more business owners to use SEO services, sometimes this avenue of promotion may not be for you.
Here are a few reasons why:
– You Website Is Not SEO friendly structure wise.
No matter how much “SEO promotion” you want to put into it, you just aren’t going to rank until you make the decision to do a business site re-design.

Some sites have been cemented into place from years of SEO. Don’t expect to dethrone them overnight.
– You Are In An Extremely Competitive Service or Niche Dominated By “Old Timers”
The misconception here is that if you “have an SEO service” that perhaps you should start seeing results within a month or two. The bottom line is that SEO no longer has a “7 day remedy” like having your site take a shot of antibiotic. And anyone telling you otherwise is after your money, and not looking to provide results for you business or service. They are only looking to “sign you up”. That’s it! At this point, a good SEO service is a about brand profile, establishing presence, content and reputation management and about 15+ other factors that will start to make a slight dent into your aged competition that has been doing SEO for anywhere from 5+ years. Realistic expectations need to be understood and incremental growth can be seen with the right program. If you are in a competitive niche for your product or service, there are other supplemental avenues like CPC/PPC ad campaigns.

Why would you hire an SEO for their professional advice if you just wanted “to keep the site” almost the same.
– You Are Not Open To Suggestions on Content and Site Design
Many times site owners consider their site “their baby” and as an SEO service company that produces results for all size businesses, we totally understand that. After all, many of us come from business and marketing backgrounds and we know what it feels like to put your time and energy into your “personal design intent”. However just because you like it and understand it, may not be what the general consensus of internet browsers are thinking. In fact, you may be shooting yourself in the foot, if your SEO consultant is giving you advice about design and usability. Everything from colors used, layout of page, and even text used for the site is a deciding factor in real SEO results.
If you are also a person that believes, that “you do not need additional content” on your site and “it’s not for you”, then you are limiting yourself to a stale website and like all things stale….nobody wants them.

SEO is nothing but work and time. If you want results for the long haul. You need the time for SEO to work.
– You Are Not Patient & DO NOT COMMUNICATE TO Your SEO
A good SEO consultant should again present to you realistic expectations on how, when and what your site should start ranking. This is of course based on the fact that your SEO is communicating to you to do the right things to help you. Many times there are instances where you may feel like you “don’t have time to talk about your site”, but this is the real difference in a SEO that wants to help your business, and one that just wants to dazzle you with trite phrases. It is imperative to act upon recommendations from your SEO consultant that will drive not only your ranking up on your website, but may also get your existing site users to convert and become more actionable. Time should always be set aside to discuss a plan of action to further your SEO efforts.
If any of these above sound like you, then the answer is that you probably are not ready to do SEO. Perhaps coming back at a later time when you are ready to make a commitment about understanding the above, will better suit you with the results you want. Because the bottom line is, that you WILL NOT get results, unless these basic online marketing concepts are realized by the potential website owner that is looking to improve their search ranking, get more targeted visitors to their business and stand above and beyond your competition.
Sometimes SEO may not be for you, as it’s understood that some may want more immediate return on their investment. Therefore. there is always a paid or PPC/CPC advertising model that can be immediately leveraged if optimized correctly. Which is always a good way to supplement your business online until you get that coveted page 1 ranking.
in SEO