Getting My Business On Google & Getting Found in Searches
At this point in the game, putting your imprint on the web is just as important as putting a sign on the front of your building where you conduct real world business.
But if you are not computer or internet savvy, then have no fear because Get Found Marketing is here! Well, us and you of course.

Getting On Google is Easy, But Getting Found in the Top Search Results is something entirely different.
In all honesty getting your business on Google is not as hard as some people would make you think (as well as some other seedy marketing companies), but where the real task is getting your business found on Google searches. Which in actuality is totally 2 separate things.
Even if you don’t follow the steps Google has laid out for you here at https://www.google.com/business/ then you still actually might show up as a business if your business has public published information from the phone company or other local directory services. Much of the time this information is available to the public once you setup your public phone service, permits or licenses for the product or service you are selling in your local area.
But honestly, you don’t want to rely on the “automated procedures” of other entities controlling your online profile and perhaps misdirecting potential customers, clients and overall losing sales to your competitors. Which could very well happen if you are not taking control of your local online business promotion.
The First Step to Getting Your Business on Google:
Officially verifying your business with Google Directly. Yes, I mean directly. The instructions are fairly simple and can again be done here: https://support.google.com/business/answer/2911778?hl=en
I know it may seem overwhelming, but it you type your address in, and it’s listed then it’s just a click of the button, and then a few more clicks, and a usual hard postal mailing to your address.
Just make sure to have a Google account created, and all the details necessary to verify the data once you receive it. On average, it take anywhere between 1 to 2 weeks. And again, this can all be done by yourself. You do not need anyone to do it for you. So don’t let a company try to swindle you into thinking that you can’t do it yourself. Because you really can.
Now this is where things get a little tougher. Now after all, you may be a new local business, but you certainly aren’t the only business servicing your area with the product or service you are offering. Most likely there is a slew of other companies, stores and services providers that want to Get Found as well. So you are going to have heavy competition.
Which leads us to the real issue and that is:
Getting Your Business Found on Google Searches
Now this is something you will most likely need help with. Because the days of just filling out the Google form, and then have your business displayed in the top results are long gone. Especially with all the competition. I mean, do a search for “pizzeria” and I can guarantee you will get quite a bit in regards to results for this family favorite food.
But who is the Google searcher going to go with first?
What business will be found at the top of Google Search for their term?
And most of all, how do you get your business found on Google search?
Well, I mean either way, you’ll be found in Google search, but without the right profile, and SEO you most likely will be on page 4, 5, 6 , 10 or listed on Google local map listings way off the first few featured listings.
So how do you promote local business listings on Google?
As I always tell the businesses we work with, that there really isn’t one “fix all” thing that will help your business. Because it’s very much a bunch of signals, and strategies that go into even promoting your business on the Google local business listings. There truly is not a one size fits all solution. And the business owners that understand this, are the ones that win.
They win the majority of the searches, the majority of the calls, and ultimately the business away from everyone underneath them. As 90% of the potential business from organic search comes from a page 1 listing. And the potential business generated from a top page local business ranking in Google is even higher than that. It can truly be the difference between a few calls a day, to one call a month.
So if you want your business to get found across both mobile devices, desktop, laptop or any other way they connect to the internet then you need to do the do the following by and follow:
These Steps for Helping Your Business Get Found in Both Local Business Listings & Organic Search
1: Make sure you have YOUR OWN Business website connected to your Google my Business/Places Listing.
2: Make sure You Request a Few Reviews from Your Customers.
If you did the right thing by them, they shouldn’t have a hard time telling the world that they had a good experience with you. It will help you stand out.
3: Your Google Business Listing is Correct, Complete and Up to Date. Also, your Google Plus Page (usually issued to you when you create a Google Account) is connected properly to your business profile with your Google Local Business & Maps Listing Profile.
Just these 3 points alone will put you in a little better running towards getting your business found on Google searches. Because what is the point of “getting on Google” if no one can find you?
in SEO, Uncategorized