Guide to Finding The Best SEO Marketing Companies
So you’ve realized that it’s finally time that you stepped up your online marketing efforts?
You want real results, and you’ve now put yourself to the arduous test of trying to find the best SEO marketing company to help you promote your business and get more leads and customers.
Well, here’s a no-frills guide to making the smartest decision on one of the toughest problems.
And that immense problem is:
Finding the Best SEO Marketing Companies
Literally you will find alot of people “calling themselves SEO’s”, but the fact of the matter is that SEO is just a term that is in reference to just one method of proper online marketing.
So, what is the best way to weed through all the nonsense? How do you find the best marketing company to handle not only SEO, but other online marketing issues as well.
Well, let’s see.
1: Do Not Entertain the Idea of Hiring an Overseas SEO Company

Right in Form, But not In Function. Mis-Communication Can Lead to Mis-Representation.
Now, I do understand that much of time it can be very tempting to hire or employ a team or person outside of the US that “does SEO”, but things go awry fast. For a multitude of reasons.
Here’s some reasons why: (Ask Us More!)
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- The person’s first language isn’t English. They may understand some of the “Basics of SEO”, but they certainly will not understand how to convey your service to the American consumer and populous. Their writing and verbiage may be off, and almost make you look like your business doesn’t understand the English language as well. This is a big mistake!
- Overseas companies work cheap and offer even cheaper results. Meaning they will build potentially harmful backlinks, and use “black hat SEO methods”, to artificially inflate you for the quick jump. But in reality will hurt you, and push you farther down the “ranking ladder”, and overall just waste your time. And to us, time is money, and it should be for you as well.
- The “social signals” that overseas company create to “help SEO” for your business is created with all accounts with people outside your “target market”. We’ve seen clients that have built their “social marketing” profiles with a slew of overseas help, and all of their “friends and likes” were not even from the US, or were deleted and removed by Twitter, Facebook, etc. for being spam or non-existent people.
2: Do Not Hire The “Cheapest Company” Looking to Do SEO for You.

It may be cheap and easy, but it certainly isn’t good. And won’t help towards your goals.
“Result Driven SEO/Search Engine Optimization” is not something that is easy, or a simple process. It takes time, precision, and a working online marketing plan of action. Anyone who “promises to do it cheaper” will not be in it for the long haul. As many “cheap SEO companies” will “operate on a sliding scale”.
This means that they charge a fee to initially start-up with you, and offer you zero performance longevity or increased ranking. And when you are tired of paying the $300+ a month, then they will just drop their prices into the floor. We’ve seen companies promise to lower there prices to $30 a month!! (Ask Us About our Modest Program Packages)
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How much of a result do you expect from that type of budget? Especially when coveted page 1 rankings have a equivalent rate of a CPC (cost per click if you were paying for Google Advertising) of anywhere between $2-$50 (depending on your industry) As it certainly would not be worth it to work on your account at $30 per month.
3: Do Not Hire an SEO Company That Cannot Give You Monthly Reporting

SEO Reporting and Analytics is Just As Important as any Other SEO service. The Best SEO Companies use SEO Reporting.
Many “Local SEO Experts” will promise to get you “listed on Google”, and to get listed on Google is totally different than getting ranked on Google. Many out of the country SEO companies, and others with limited experience will “set it and forget it”, and list you with Google (which you can do yourself as shown here) and ultimately will never rank you for “sales keyword terms”, or “customer search terms”.
Here’s Something the Best SEO Companies Will Give You:
- Current Keyword Ranking Report
- A Report For “New Customer Keywords” to Help Inbound Marketing Services
- Traffic Analytics Report To Show You Who Is Coming To Your Site, and What They Are Doing While They Are There
- A Report of Your Comparable Competitors To Show You Were You Stand in SEO Rankings
4: Do Not Hire a Company That Does Not Give You a Dedicated Knowledgeable Marketing Consultant

Finding someone that isn’t “Just an SEO Salesman” is different from a real project manager.
“SEO Experts” all have different levels of knowledge. Stemming from everything to “optimized site design” to “social media experts”, but much of the time they are behind the curtain, and some companies almost never allow (or want to) talk to the client or customer.
Many things can be lost in translation in dealing with an SEO company in this manner. As the best SEO companies know that it’s important to talk to the client about their online marketing goals and what it takes to get there.
The best online marketing companies will:
- Allow You to Speak with the SEO handling your account directly
- If the SEO professional is not available, then an educated “project manager” will assist and answer all of your questions for you. You can tell if they “have some SEO knowledge” if they are able to answer your questions now as opposed to later.
- The project manager or “SEO” assigned to your account will continue to offer you website development changes to your website. As the best SEO has alot to do with the infrastructure of your website and it’s usability from the web visitor standpoint.
And The Most Important Rule of All To Remember When Finding The Best SEO Company For Your Business Is:
5: Not Doing Business With An SEO Company That Promises “Google Ranking Position”

This “best SEO Service” and “top Google Ranking” holds as much water as the Titanic.
Search Engine Optimization and Search Marketing has easily over a 150 factors that influence what ranks on “page 1” and what doesn’t. For someone (or some SEO company) that can tell you that they are “guaranteeing you Page 1 Google Rankings”, is almost laughable. SEO Companies don’t work for Google, and they don’t know what changes are being made to the “search algorithms” that Google changes consistently.
However, the best SEO Companies can Guarantee You the Following:
- That They Will Work Harder to Make You More Visible in All Search Engines
- That They Can Give You Incremental Results from Your SEO Program
- They Will Work To “Find Your Best Customers” and Target Them To Get More of Them To Your Site and More Sales/Coversions
So, there you have it. These are the most important things when looking for the best SEO company to meet your businesses needs.
Anyone or any search marketing company that doesn’t abide by these important details, can very much be considered smoke and mirrors.
So, if you’re ready to find the best search marketing and SEO consultants, than reach out here and we’ll be happy to recommend the perfect one.
in SEO