Putting All Your Search Eggs in One Basket
Don’t those Eggs Look Cute?
It’s always a happy day (like that egg on the left), when you are getting tons of search traffic and making conversions one way or another. But things can turn really grim fast when your website’s main traffic generation method decides to oust you like last week’s leftover dozen of eggs (seems like the poor cute unhappy egg on the right.)
I’ve been hearing horror stories one after the next for the past year now since Google’s massive updates towards all things search. Literally tales of woe from all ends of cyberspace.
From tales of closing up shop and shutting down sites because of inability to pay for hosting due to lost sales from the destruction of Google algo updates right down to smaller site owners complaining about little to no communication from that “Facebook Posts” of their hard worked Facebook fan pages that they spent years building thousands of fans on to promote their services, products and ideas.
No matter the scenario and despite the different businesses, websites and where their main concentration of website visitors are coming from, all of these people had one thing in common.
And the question I have is…Why would you do that?
Most people in this day and age diversify their finances in many different ways to maintain financial security in the event of a mishap. So, why wouldn’t you do it with your virtual property investment?
Maybe it’s out of laziness? Perhaps comfort-ability? Or Even because “someone told them to do it”. No matter the reason, the bottom line, is that the bottom line fell out, and now you are scrambling for the emergency exit. All because you didn’t listen to that old-school tried and true saying “Don’t Put all Your Eggs in One Basket”.
This is definitely the case for many web property owners. and now they are feeling the strong effects of doing so.
However all is not lost.
There are still solutions, and good methods that can be deployed today to start gathering those chickens, roosting them properly and harvesting those eggs for the purpose of a global distribution method.
So if you are ready to jump back up, and dust yourself off and try again with a revised plan of online marketing action to put into effect for 2014, then consider yourself a survivor, a warrior and the next evolution of search kind!
in SEO